Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cell Phones Hang Up and Live

Why am I annoyed about cell phone's, I'm not, I'm annoyed at their owners who excessively use them. Why is it people who work at least eight hours and day and more than likely spend a part of their day on the phone feel compelled to dial as soon as they get in the car. Statistics have shown distracted driving leads to car accidents. I wont even discuss text messaging while driving.... that's just stupid and potentially deadly. I was in my doctors office the other day and another patient was sitting there and even though there is a sign asking people from refraining using their cell phones.... he still did. I do not need to hear this jackass trying to make a sales call while sitting in a doctors office, or Starbucks or a grocery store. News alert you are not that important.

I commute to to work at 5:00 am and when I pull up to a traffic light I have to ask, who the hell are you talking to? People go into restaurants and store yakking all the way and when they get to cashier they are to entitled to hang up and complete their transaction let alone think about the rest of us in line. Cell phone users.....have gone to far

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